Faith Outreach Academy

Ms. Cherident (Ms. Faye)
3rd Grade

3rd Grade Techer
Ms. Cherident joined FOA in 2024 as our 3rd grade teacher. She has a Bachelor's Degree from the University of South Florida in Criminology. She has over five years teaching experience. Ms. Cherident's committed to helping students achieve their potential fostering a love for learning in the classroom.

Supplies List
1 box of colored pencils & markers
1 Large box of Kleenex
1 Large bottle of Hand Santizer
2 packs of #2 pencils & Highlighters
School supply box & Zipper pouch
Safety scissors
1 Glue stick
1 Ruler w/centimeters & inches
2 packs of Wide rule notebook paper
3 Plastic Pocket folders w/ 3 prongs
2 Large erasers
Clorox wipes
2 erasable black or blue pens
Bible (NKJV)
Assignment Planner
1 Pack Expo Dry Erase Markers
2 Composition notebooks
1 Box of 24 crayons
Ream of copy paper
Paper towels
1 can of Lysol Spray